In order to market effectively, it is crucial to understand the client base of the business. Because the Fussell Group deals with insurance, primarily Medicare, their target audience is 65+ year olds. The term “Silver Surfers” refers to the 60+ year olds that have an online digital presence. With this considered, we continued to research how these “Silver Surfers” allocate their time on the internet. In terms of Facebook, 91% of social media users who are 65+ have a Facebook, and more than 50% of Facebook users check the app 3x a day. Additionally, 63% of the over 70 age group is spending 11-30 hours a week online, which is higher than 60-69, 50-59, and 30-49 age groups. However, we also mentioned that, while it is important to market online, it is just as important to market with traditional offline print, especially with this client’s target audience.

Logo Refresh Research
Fussell Group already had a logo and a general brand; however, we were concerned that the logo conveyed a business different from insurance advisors.

As an experiment, we asked consumers, based on The Fussell Group’s old logo alone, what they thought the company was. From the consumers interviewed, 80% guessed that the Fussell Group was a Funeral Home, and 20% guessed either a Funeral Home or a Florist.

Old Logo

Custom Website 

We took headshots of the insurance agents for the new Fussell Group website, launched the new brand, and received testimonies from agents on the team. Above is a picture of the current website, for which we created a new design.

With this website revamp, we also shared the website audits before and after we remodeled it. After we changed the website, the errors went down exponentially, as did the warnings. Additionally, the site’s health improved from 88% to 97%.

Trust the Numbers

Because we focused on maintaining a brand and consistent social media usage, the insights we saw from January 1, 2022 to November 30, 2022 impressed not only us but our clients. 

Impressions increased by 461.3%

Engagements increased 241.2%

Post link-clicks improved 4.4%. 




Audience Growth

Brand Refresh


We broke our production up into two categories: informal social content and formal traditional content. With this approach, we were able to get fast content on the go monthly to post to Facebook, Linkedin, and Youtube as well as a full-scale production spanning multiple events across a few weeks to get high-quality commercials that would appeal to the target audience. Our goal to was to highlight how FGIA is a local company whose agents are your neighbors and who want what’s best for their client, not their margins. From May until December 2022, we were able to gain over 600 video views on YouTube alone organically.