Though Caplan Eye Clinic had social media pages before, we used our experience in marketing and advertising to further develop their branding and social media pages. Caplan’s goals were to appear more professional and modern, be more consistent and relevant with their posts, and to promote their new eye surgery suite.

Social Media

We utilized Caplan’s logo and built their brand around it. Throughout our social media campaign for Caplan, we offered a consistent and cohesive social media presence, including promotional videos of their surgery suite while it was being built. Caplan was our client from August 1, 2022 to January 30, 2023, and, just from this 6 month period, their social media pages found immense success and attention.

Trust the Numbers

Not only did we increase impressions, but we increased engagement; this means people were not only viewing the posts from Caplan but were interacting with the posts as well. Just from this 6 month period, our social media campaign raised engagement by 202% and raised the engagement rate per impression 225.5%.

Total Post Link Clicks: 1,003  –  Raised 60.5%

Total Social Media Posts: 108 – Raised 89.5%


Increase in Impressions


Increase in Engagement


Increase in Video Views


Net Audience Growth


One of Caplan’s goals was to promote their new surgery suite using media appearances, so we used our relationships in the news circle to accomplish this. Caplan’s surgery suite was covered in Biz New Orleans, New Orleans City Business, and an interview with Dr. Brendon Sumich on WWL. Because we have close connections with the news community, we were able to highlight our clients and promote their interests.